Saturday, July 4, 2015

Reweaving the fabric of human connection

By the time I was (?) I had been dragged, dumped, and left abandoned on a path of human destruction. I awoke to a world devoid of humans, my former sense of security, community, connection, but a heap of rubble beside me.
Alone I wandered in this space of desolation and despair, an unscreamed scream lodged in my throat.
I wandered in this space until my legs could carry me no longer.
Exhausted and weary, I lay on my back, the laptop propped on my belly.
The laptop that is connected to the world wide web- it's been branded as ''unkosher'' and ''unholy'' and ''sinful'' to have in one's home.
I began to connect with people who cared about our shared humanity.
A new fabric of community was being woven on this weaving loom.
It was as though I was witnessing a caravan passing me in this barren desert.
Hope stirred inside of me.
My legs began to hold me up again.
I walked, nay ran, toward the human beings. I walked beside them, trying to keep up with them.
But my legs were weak, and I couldn't keep up with their speed.
Would they slow down enough for me to walk along with them, or would they walk off without me, and leave me stranded in the desert yet again?

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