Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Flow amid Structures

This is partly a rant and partly an invitation to my inner world.

It's a rant against a world that is obsessed with structures and walls and rigid rules and roles. And I like structures and walls and rigid rules and roles. Heck, without them I'd be a slimy shapeless being stretching into infinity.
And so, I have created structures- blood vessels within my body, membranes on the surface of inner organs, skin on the surface of my body,- so that I'm not a glob of blood and soft tissue strewn all over the planet. I have managed to contain myself within the parameters of my skin. The blood flow is contained within the arteries and veins and capillaries and whatnot.
Structure is invaluable to my very functioning. At the same time, within the structure, there is an invitation for free flow of blood and lymph and other energies. What a relief it must be to all of you. Imagine if I was not contained in this way- I'd be sprawled across the planet and I'd be in your way, wouldn't I.
So I've managed to contain this glob of blood and tissue and bone and whatnot, with one exception. My love. My passion. My life force. I cannot contain it. It flows. And its flow may get in your way. Your way of what? Where are YOU headed? I am willing to take a detour and head your way along with you. I am willing to walk beside you so you are not alone on your walk.
I have had the experience of childbirth on a few occasions. In the experience of childbirth, when I am one with the waves the experience is an ecstatic one. When I resist the waves, the pain is excruciating.
A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia- chronic pain is one of its hallmarks. I was offered pain relief drugs (vicodin) and blissfully take no pain drugs to date. My experience with pain has been that when I attend to the felt-sense of the tension in the body, when I am accompanying the tension, pain is not present. Pain only arises when I am however subtlely moving away from the sensation.
Riding the wave of my intuition is equally ecstatic an experience. Pain arises when I walk away from the intutive sense, and succumb to rationality or other force. Meet like with like.
I have no idea why I'm writing these lines. To a degree I do. On some basic level I am aware of the degree to which some and others are comfortable with/without structure. There is no right way or wrong way. There is simply a way in which my organism functions optimally and a way in which your organism functions optimally.
What arises now is, ''Out beyond ideas of right and wrong there is a field; let us meet there''

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